Jira API integration in Bubble.io

Chamudi Vidanagama
3 min readApr 7, 2022

Bubble.io is a no-code app building platform to develop software applications. You can easily create the front-end with drag and drop. It supports the material, bootstrap, and bubble styling to enhance the user interface. This platform is really helpful for users who have no coding understanding. But for the programmers who are familiar with coding, I recommend you to use a programming framework to develop the application.

Bubble.io has API plugins to integrate bubble with Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, and Reddit. But when it comes to other software for example Jira, there’s no direct way to integrate with bubble.

For that, you have to use the API connector to integrate with Jira-like software. The below image illustrates the API connector plugin supported by bubble.io. You have to install this plugin in order to use this.

You have to create an API, by giving a name and the authentication method for the API.

As I am integrating Jira, I used the API name Jira. For the authentication method I used the self-handled method because if we authenticate with basic authentication, that API can be used only by the given authenticated user. Therefore I am self-handling the Jira authentication.

The next step is to initialize API calls. This API is written to get the Jira project details by, passing for parameters Username, Password, Domain Name, Project Id. As we are getting the project details, it is a GET method.


The username is the Jira username and the password is the token created in Jira in order to access. The project name is the Domain name of your Jira project. and the project Id is the Id of the Jira project you want to fetch details.

To display these details in the user interface you have to add a repeating group and inside that add text boxes, then get data from an external API and get and display the necessary details.

Select the API provider.

Add parameters if there are any

Then select the data you want to display. Then you will be able to display the project details for the given project Id in the repeating group.

When it comes to displaying the status counts of the project, it is different from the current API we used. If we want to display the count of To Do, In Progress, and Done ticked counts you have to use different API calls.

API call used to get the To-Do ticket count of a specific Jira project.


API call used to get the In Progress ticket count of a specific Jira project


API call used to get the Done ticket count of a specific Jira project


I have used JQL to get the project task counts. This is the only way I found to get the task counts of each status. I hope this will be helpful to anyone who is searching for a way to integrate Bubble.io with Jira software.

